ession Overview
Nobel Biocare continues to provide you and your patients with groundbreaking solutions in implant dentistry. Now is the time to embrace change and bounce forward with scientifically proven innovations from Nobel Biocare. Join Dr Glen Liddelow and Dr Michael Danesh-Meyer to find out how you can incorporate latest breakthroughs in your practice and improve patient outcomes. You don’t want to miss this webinar!
What you will learn
- What is the latest in Mucointegration and why is it clinically important?
- Innovations in Navigated Surgery – introducing X-Guide™ and its new clinical indications.
- Everything you need to know about the original, cement-free full contour zirconia (FCZ) solution, ideal for the gold standard All-on-4® treatment concept.
- Introduction to the game-changing implant system, the one and only N1™ from Nobel Biocare.
Dr Glen Liddelow and Dr Michael Danesh-Meyer
Nobel Biocare Australia Pty Ltd
Level 4, 7 Eden Park Drive, Macquarie Park, Sydney Australia
T: 1800 804 597
E: order.australia@nobelbiocare.com
W: www.nobelbiocare.com

T: 1800 118 991
E: editor@thedentalreview.com.au