So, by now we’ve established that doing nothing is not a viable option. It may have taken weeks to process and the panic, anger fear etc are all now being managed, let’s turn to the something.
Dental Prac Sales are offering paid (yes we are a business) and unpaid (yes we are also human) services to our dental clients.
Level 1 restrictions are now in place for dentists and normality is gradually returning.
Selling your Practice
Now could be a good time to sell your practice and is certainly a great time to make your practice ‘sale ready’, assess your financials and plan for your future. We offer business evaluations and health checks to make sure you are on the right track. There may also be some opportunities to stream-line costs along the way.
Dental practices of all sizes are again in strong demand from our private and corporate buyers.
Staff Care
We are actively involved in ‘Project Displaced’, a volunteer network dedicated to assisting people who have been displaced or let go from their current positions. This includes helping them create or update their CV’s, LinkedIn profiles, interview techniques and their general search for employment for the short or long term. Go to for more information and to get started. Alternatively, contact me directly for further information.
Business Survival
We are working with Health & Life Chartered Accountants, who have kindly produced a free guide to business survival, where closing the door in these times is not a good option.
We are indeed in this together, however everyone is also alone in their navigation to the other side. If we can assist you with any of the above then please contact me on or directly on 0401 975 316.
Alex Barritt
Director / Sales Associate

PO Box 3243, Putney NSW 2112 Australia
T: 1800 118 991